Patch 1.0.3-1 is now available!

Hello Tamers!

Since some small bugs kept popping here'n there in V1.0.3, even after I patched and re-uploaded the game at least twice, I decided to make this an "official" version to be announced properly

Here's what changed:

  • BigUkkomon replacing Gaogamon in the Digital World has been fixed
  • Blue Sneakers items not working has been fixed
  • All "Strength +" items fixed (which means the bug that makes opponents fly outside the screen may have returned as well. Needs further inspection)
  • Ukkomon odds of "being found" have increased a little
  • AncientGarurumon has been added

There's this small glitch where a "ghost" shop run by a DigiTama who sells nothing will spawn after Cutemon. Just ignore that for now. I'll get rid of it when I have more time

Anyway folks, that's all for now! Hopefully I'll be back only during Christmas time!
See ya o/


DigitalTamers02 - V1.0.3-1 - (PC) 206 MB
Nov 09, 2024
DigitalTamers02 - V1.0.3-1 - (Android) 210 MB
Nov 09, 2024

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I love the new Alphamon update, however, i agree with the below post in that he feels quite weak. Even his Ouryuken upgrade isn't as strong as comparable mons like Examon, which is strange.

Thanks for the update, so happy :)

Two things on this update. 

Sometimes when the Digimon uses the Special attack, it does the animation but doesn't shoot any projectile

And, Is it me, or did you nerfed alphamon? I feel him weaker since this patch.

After flymon's leader shop in server city what is the LAST infrastructure in server city and do I have to unlock ALL leader skills to access omega(black)'s leader skill?. And also tnx for this AWESOME sequel!!! This shit runs on my SHITTY ASS phone (complete w/ GIANT SCREEN CRACKS). Dragonrod? more like DRAGONGOD!!!!

AVs will have false positive if the application isn't verified/certified.


My antivirus program is saying that this is a trojan. >_>


my pc saying this is a virus...