Also there appears to be another glitch with the ground items in the driver savanna area, the game showed the graphic of me getting the item that looks like a pink carrot quite a bunch, but every time I didn't actually get it, but got the orange carrot instead. Not sure if it's a case of the wrong graphic being displayed and I just wasn't lucky enough to actually get a single pink carrot, or if it's a more serious glitch and I can't even get the item (I'm playing on Android, btw)
Armour digivolves hopefully and my favourite mega megidramon since it is guilmon when it was forced to digivolve to mega and we have skullgreymon which was when agumon was forced to digivolve from greymon to metalgreymon
really wish there was an area for beast digimon. Because their the hardest to get due to being in small quantities in every map instead of having one for themselves. Otherwise very good game
Can you please make an ipa file for iOS devices, I used to play digital tamers reborn a lot it was the main game that I played on my android phone, but has since lost it meaning I can’t play the game in general which makes me sad that I can’t experience the game that I loved the most it was like a love letter to the Digimon franchise and that made it soo special and fun to play, I hope you can continue your amazing work and I can hopefully try to play this amazing looking sequel you made for the fans of digimon
I just recruited Sunflowmon and it says that I can increase my digimon's patience level. What does patience level do? I haven't seen it anywhere else I've looked.
Is it still not possible to catch wild mega lvl mons? And pls add gigaseadramon, other omegamon evos, examon x, beelstarmon x in the next update coz they are my fave mons (only if u want hehe). Also tnx for removing bigukkomon in infinity tower coz it just destroys any Mon with relatively low defense and it's attribute is unknown which already gives it an advantage against most mons and it can only be defeated by mons with high attack or my freaking rafflessimon(leader) with ridiculous sp attack and double ranged offense with autoheal from leader skillz
Won't install on Google pixel pro, says not compatible, it's a brand new phone so IDK why, so I guess I'll have to miss out. But I will say it looks pretty.
Hi, came across the game trough some ones stream enjoying it a lot currently on android just wondering if there is a save transfer feature planned in the future?
Hey, great game! Could you please implement a "take everything" button after battle? Clicking one or two drops after a battle isn't bothersome, but when farming cards every digimon drop like 7 items and it becomes kinda bothering.
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Baalmon and more new Digimon
And put zekegraymon please
Gammamon to one of its path evolutions to ragulusmon or cwwiwisezamon to arturismon or siriusmon and the DNA evolution to proximamon
just a fun idea
Does anyone else have a Digimon evolution line for the game
Salamon to meicoomon split evolution line
botamon to koromon to Black Agumon to Dark Tyranomon to Master Tyranomon to Gaioumon to Gaioumon Itto mode my Dream Partner for the game
and I would name him Mochi
and he would evolve like in Ghost game
When the next update
And alternate evolution was for already existing Digimon please and thank you
It's cool
See a lot of requests (including mine) but not many comments saying how good the game is so.
The game is very fun and I heavily enjoy it, thank you for taking your time to make this game. Hope you continue and have fun while you make it.
Do anyone's have a bug with YukiAgumon skin quest?
*Never mind I already founded
Found what? I'm having the same problem, gave him 50 cube meats two times already and he does not go away, his hunger can't be stopped
Also there appears to be another glitch with the ground items in the driver savanna area, the game showed the graphic of me getting the item that looks like a pink carrot quite a bunch, but every time I didn't actually get it, but got the orange carrot instead. Not sure if it's a case of the wrong graphic being displayed and I just wasn't lucky enough to actually get a single pink carrot, or if it's a more serious glitch and I can't even get the item (I'm playing on Android, btw)
Got some of that item (it's a radish) so it's probably just a minor glitch
Its a bug you can see on the dev log about the YukiAgumon skin quest
Fix gomomon line two put vikamin
and Locomon too
Armour digivolves hopefully and my favourite mega megidramon since it is guilmon when it was forced to digivolve to mega and we have skullgreymon which was when agumon was forced to digivolve from greymon to metalgreymon
And meicoomon good and evil evolutions too please
Grimmon two full evolution line
Dark Tyranomon and Golemon Evo
and I like to have this Golemon<a href="" ]<<="" a=""></a> and Dark Tyranomon<a href="" ]<<="" a=""> and their</a> EVO
And the rest of the elemental Spirit Digimons and ancients
Maybe the Olympus 12 all the the Digimon group dna fusions and more please
I would love to have a Agumon (X-Antibody)
Even babys and in trainings to
and why not all the
(X-Antibody) Digimon
Death x evolution too please
i want triple it too soon for DigitalTamers 3
also could you add Herissmon Evo :)
Bring Digimon from ghost game and liberator too please 🥺
Could you do PvP for online Stuff
really wish there was an area for beast digimon. Because their the hardest to get due to being in small quantities in every map instead of having one for themselves. Otherwise very good game
Can you please make an ipa file for iOS devices, I used to play digital tamers reborn a lot it was the main game that I played on my android phone, but has since lost it meaning I can’t play the game in general which makes me sad that I can’t experience the game that I loved the most it was like a love letter to the Digimon franchise and that made it soo special and fun to play, I hope you can continue your amazing work and I can hopefully try to play this amazing looking sequel you made for the fans of digimon
If you need free help improving existing sprites, you can contact me. I do this kind of thing as a hobby.
I just recruited Sunflowmon and it says that I can increase my digimon's patience level. What does patience level do? I haven't seen it anywhere else I've looked.
How many times you can tap your digimon before they get irritated. Max is 5 taps and it resets when digimon is reborn
Is it still not possible to catch wild mega lvl mons? And pls add gigaseadramon, other omegamon evos, examon x, beelstarmon x in the next update coz they are my fave mons (only if u want hehe). Also tnx for removing bigukkomon in infinity tower coz it just destroys any Mon with relatively low defense and it's attribute is unknown which already gives it an advantage against most mons and it can only be defeated by mons with high attack or my freaking rafflessimon(leader) with ridiculous sp attack and double ranged offense with autoheal from leader skillz
Won't install on Google pixel pro, says not compatible, it's a brand new phone so IDK why, so I guess I'll have to miss out. But I will say it looks pretty.
Galaxy s24 ultra not compatible. ..any fix on that ?
Unfortunately there are no difficult opponents
Hi, came across the game trough some ones stream enjoying it a lot currently on android just wondering if there is a save transfer feature planned in the future?
there's a tutorial how to transfer save data from pc to android on the discord channel, you can check it
Hey, great game! Could you please implement a "take everything" button after battle? Clicking one or two drops after a battle isn't bothersome, but when farming cards every digimon drop like 7 items and it becomes kinda bothering.
Also, waiting for DORUgoramon :p
It is in the game?