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The two things I don't like in the game is one, how the training minigame is a hassle and takes too much time in my opinion, and 2, is there's no forward button for digital world battles and challenges. I don't mind the grinding, it's the game's challenge and it's a bit fun. But I hate things that drags out the progress. There's no smooth sailing in this game after all. Just you, carving your betterment with patience and effort. That makes this game worth it. 

Just that, 2 things I hate no fast forward options for digital world battles and challenges. And the training minigame.

(2 edits)

Feature ideas

  • being able to reroll for a specific challenge at the cost of extra tokens
  • Add a option to turn off the level cap a good way would be to make a skill or make it so after every rebirth the level cap increase

that all I got right know it's currently 12:37 where i live so I'm heading to bed just thought of this and posted 

(1 edit)

when i start the game and click of countinue


action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_DecoLayer01:

DoSub :2: undefined value

at gml_Object_obj_DecoLayer01_Create_0


i get "Out of memory"

but i have 800gb Space ..

pls help

How do I get the hybrid digi spirits


Is there any chance this game will be available to play on iPhone at some point? I have it on my laptop, but would love to get it on my iPhone as well if possible :)

(2 edits) (+1)

I resolved my issue with things being difficult (skill issue lol). Happy to give my support, love the game. It's probably my new favorite Digimon game.

Would you be interested in adding an old version of the alphamon ouryuken costume?

with each update i love this game more and more. it needs more fame that it rightfully deserves!!

Deleted 116 days ago

Have you been training your Digimon when their energy is full? What level and stage are your Digimon compared to what you're trying to fight? Are you fighting Digimon that yours is weak to? Those are the most likely issue points.

Besides getting certain shiny rookies like Renamon or Worrmmon, is there any real benefit to BigUkkomon's ability? As far as I know, we don't get anything for deleting Digimon, so it feels like BigUkkomon's ability is more a pain than a benefit.


Does it work on leader Renamon and Wormmon? They're technically no level forms...

You know, that's a good question. I forgot that the shinies for some reason aren't considered the actual stage that they are. That just makes BigUkkomon's ability arguably even more bad if it doesn't work on shinies.

Doesn't seem to work for galaxy s24 sadly.

After update 1.0.4 my save has somehow gone, all my hundreds of hours down to drain for no reason where previous updates didn't set me back anything. Please fix this so no more people suffer the same fate as mine, I kinda lost almost all motivation to replay the game again

Could you put the remaining evolutions of the digispirits like Kaiser Leomon, Jet Silphymon, Dai Penmon, Rhino Kabuterimon, AncientSphinxmon, AncientGreymon, Aldamon,AncientBeatmon, AncientMegatheriumon, and also put the armor evolutions please
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Why are evoluters a thing huh? I could understand if they where used for jogress and bm mode evolutions but not for standard mega my lvl 80 lilamon cannot beat a lvl 60 mega because of the giant disparity between evolutions. 5k Attack and Special defence and 10k on sp atk and base defence so yeh even when using the cards for reference I had 21 cards of lvl 1 and 2 used em all and got 2 evoluters then tried a 3 and did a couple hundred dmg at most.

Deleted 126 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

The games pretty good but their are some areas where QOL needs to be applied evoluters are an example a drop rate increase etc. I'll still play and thanks to challenge mode the exp and lvls aren't really a problem. I would also add the spawn chance for champion and ultra digimon should be more common in higher tier areas over rookies to help with the cards and other drops. I also believe the difference between Evolution stages should not be quite so Huge primarily applying to the Ultra to Mega Difference 20 lvls should be enough to overcome the difference but its not. This is more of a personal preference though and I'm not the one who made the game.

Hallo, ich kann das spiel leider nicht installieren.  Habe ein Samsung galaxi s24 ultra. 🥲

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a problem i tried to Jorgress Greymon and MasterTyrannomon into Greymon(XW) like it's statet in the wiki but there is a Mechanorimon stated in the list of digimon needed is Mechanorimon even in the game either the wiki is wrong or the game is bugged

Amazing game, but needs a window mode. I hate using full screen.


there is a windowed mode.

digivice -> settings -> fullscreen toggle

Thanks :)

It's not possible to access the Digivice menu (and thus, the settings for the game) until you're done with the tutorial. I'd strongly recommend adding a Settings button to the main menu, because having to suffer through fullscreen until the tutorial allows me to access the settings is just no good.


I hoestly wish there was a good way to boost win ratio


Just...fight a lot. Like, it's not that hard.

fair enough

The Zudomon sprite is asynchronous in the head area. If you need free help improving existing sprites, you can contact me. I do this kind of thing as a hobby.

(2 edits)

Is it just hard or is lvl 12 snimon just a beast not even a lvl 14 dracomon can fight that like I dont mind grinding but its certainly mind numbing. If you require exp to grind to evolve you need to make it readily available maybe im just too early yet. As of now I found Challenge mode which made this a lot better.

so why do digimon get upset with the ball ?

Will the X-antibody digimon and the herrismon line be added to the game at some point down the line?

Is there a way to manually save?


Thean what do you do to save at that point or would you just be playing a game without saving


Is it possible to include an item in the next update that increases the number of Digimon defeated, as it is very difficult to obtain the forms of some Digimon like this Digimon BigUkkomon, please

What is the most powerful Digimon in the game currently?

Hey can you make a browser version with both mobile and PC asset


Can you add a software cursor sprite instead of relying on the hardware cursor?

I downloaded the updated game but the game has this icon and my computer won't run it because it sees it as a malicious file. I don't want to turn off my antivirus because version 1.02 is still playable. Can you fix it?


It's a common problem with things not published by big companies, false flags on malware. The issue is with the antivirus. You can probably set an exception, depending on what you're using.

Could you Add Dark Tyranomon & Golemon all Evo please & Thank you

Ha The Digimon World Dawn/Dusk theme for title screen. Love It!


Really love the game, however at times it feels like a good chunk of the game is locked behind RNG, all the hardwood/stone grinding is really annoying and is a waste of time


And some that are on drops or map generate items could get frustrating at times

Fr, evolutors are so annoying to grind for

(1 edit)

Awesome game! Congratulations for the great job! I would like to give a suggestion: Could you make us have the option of chosing wich digitama our digimon will be reborn like in Next Order? 


First of all, I want to say a big thanks for making one of my favourite games of the year. I was happy to donate towards it, as it was amazing and you deserved it. 

My only question is, when is the next update? It's been 2 months and I've completed the main story and unlocked the hardest to obtain digimon. Hoping it's not too far away. 

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this game is awesome!

but does it have stolen sprites from stardew valley or is it just me? (like some wood textures using stardew's driftwood texture, the metal ores at the mountain, some items that use the texture of stardew's slime eggs, etc)

Deleted 144 days ago

"Stolen" is a strong word, since I'm not pretending those are not Stardew Valley sprites (which they are). It's a common practice for fan games to use assets from other games to speed the development process (especially since I'm doing all by myself, so my focus ends up being the Digimon, which are the main core of the game). Apart from that, all people who ripped sprites from other games were credited in DT2


Oh, sorry about that then!

I guess that if it is credited it's fine enough. I'm curious about how the game will evolve in the future!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Absolutely wonderful Digimon game, and definitely a direct improvement from DigiTamers 1 in a number of ways!  

However, this game has ONE MAJOR and OVERWHELMING FLAW...

There is no ShinMonzaemon!!!


It's coming next update check the discord


Changed my mind, S-Tier perfect game, no flaws.


Hi, been playing this game for a couple of days and i rlly rlly rlly love it. I have played the first one too but sadly it was the last update, but nonetheless a very awesome game. If u wouldn't mind me requesting, can you put the whole Zubamon line or Ryudamon line in the future? much appreciate it 👍


I don't understand the naming scheme. Besides my own personal complaint that if you're going to make a Digimon game in English, you should use the English names (which like I said is a personal complaint, and I'm not going to fault people who disagree) there seems to be no logic to it.

There's ones like

DemiMeramon (English name) instead of PetiMeramon or PetiteMeramon

Chrysalimon (English name) instead of Kurisarimon

Gobli- and SnowGoblimon (English names) instead of Goburi- and SnowGoburimon

But then there's others like

PicoDevimon instead of DemiDevimon (English name)

Chibimon instead of DemiVeemon (English name)

Growmon instead of Growlmon (English name)

Ganimon instead of Crabmon (English name)

And those are just the ones I've noticed. Also, unrelated, I absolutely love Kurisarimon's movement animation.


The worst one in my opinion is that they use Salamon instead of the Japanese Plotmon, and then the Japanese Tailmon instead of Gatomon. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.


That's an insane name for Japanese Salamon, because they don't even look like the type of hound their named after. Still better than "Tailmon" though lol

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