The game was good... at first. Then I got to the later parts of the game. A lot of the NPCs do not give any sort of hints on how to progress, the only way I was able to even figure out how to unlock some of them was by begging for assistance in the game's Discord server every time I hit a progress wall. Besides that, the required number of wins for certain NPCs/evolutions is pretty high, the only ways you can really inflate those numbers is either by doing a bunch of challenges or the Infinity Tower, which requires a lot of hard-to-recruit NPCs to even unlock. The game genuinely wants you to invest most of your time into it and I just cannot do that anymore (and before anyone says I quit too early, I have beaten every challenge, unlocked the Infinity Tower, and have unlocked all but Supplemon). As of right now, I'd give the game a 4/10 for the grind requirements alone. I do hope the game gets better, however, as I post this in hopes that it helps the game improve in some fashion.
i see video title about this got released. instantly came here.
not gonna regret this. edit : instantly regret investing my point on training skill.
the most important skill is knowing the digimon evolving requirement due to the only way to progress is to evolve and there is 3 minimum requirement to evolve to champion.
also there is hard caps on stats training based on level.
been leveling my demidevimon from level 10 to 15 without doing single training session.
still lose to level 10 champion regardless of type.
It doesn't take that much effort/time to grind on enemies in the free area to level up your tamer skill. I lucked into picking right immediately for the skills, but I've already spent about 20+ skills after primarily doing free battles in the digital world. also try to keep an eye out for dracmon in the village if you haven't. That ends up being another good method of grinding for exp and bits.
When I read this it was 8:27PM so I opened up my PC version of the game and saw I was currently at tamer rank 6 with maybe 100xp in that level at most. So I timed myself and ranked myself up to lvl 8. By the time I finished, it's now 8:56PM on the same night.
I genuinely don't mean this to be rude, but either your estimations are really off or it's just a skill issue. I'm not sure what else to say other than that.
Here's some advice. Make sure you've spoken to Komondomon (he will eventually spawn in village of beginnings) to unlock the ability to open new areas.
Once this is done, speak to the Leomon in Village of Beginnings (upper left corner) and fight him to unlock Dina Planes.
While at Dina Planes, look for golden acorns to spawn in the trees. Fight some digimon or catch fish while you wait. Get three in one go if you can. Once you've gathered at least one acorn, you will find Dracmon at Log-In Village.
If you give three golden acorns to Dracmon, he will unlock challenge mode. I literally leveled up from rank 6-8 in 30 minutes by grinding off the easiest challenges.
you said it's not hard to level up on free area but you suddenly switch from free area to challenge which require step by step walkthrough to unlock it.
you really should look at this from fair perspective.
i think we could easily understand each other if i said i didn't join the discord and getting extra knowledge there.
i literally learn the game by playing hence why i restarted my progress because i don't want to invest on training skill due to stats cap show up very earlier.
All I was doing was explaining a very easy method to rank up that doesn't involve 10 hours of grinding. There's more to the game than just grinding in the free area. You can also rank up in the free area without it taking 10 hours. Like maybe if you only stay in village of beginnings it would take that long but you're supposed to explore and get to stronger areas with more xp.
I also didn't get any of that info from the discord btw, it's just from playing the game and messing with the mechanics.
It's totally fine to learn to play a game by just playing it without guides. I'm not saying otherwise and I did the same thing.
I think the best way to look at the game is a snowball effect. Things are a lil slow at first but the more you progress and unlock the easier and faster things get.
I'm not telling you this to brag or demean how you're playing to be clear. I think that would be kind of silly lol I'm just trying to encourage to keep playing and not overly stress over what skill you unlock first. It's not going to majorly impact the game not unlocking that skill immediately, but what WILL make it take forever to get to is starting over due to worrying you've made a huge mistake when in the end it wasn't a big deal.
If you just genuinely prefer playing this way though, I will not tell you what to do. :)
There's a loading time. You have to just wait until it's like. Loaded in, I dunno the specifics but I've gotten that message and after waiting a little bit I was able to use it.
i've just started and i'm hooked, this game is so fun and i wish there where more like it, if you know some please reply to this comment letting me know
Game's great, I've been playing it for days, but since I can't find it anywhere, I'm going to ask- Is there any way to look at the elemental matchups? I've figured out that it seems like every element has 3 weaknesses, but it's not like I can easily test every weakness, and it's something that should really be told to you in game the same way the Vaccine>Virus>Data attribute triangle is.
Would you consider changing the Malware status so that reapplying it doesn't reset the countdown? Even if you have to compensate by making the countdown longer or something
The game is really good, as it was the first one, but man, the Type/Attribute advantages are busted and really think they should be checked. Being 3 or 4 levels above an enemy digimon, same stage and hitting like a wet noodle because i don't have the advantage really feels bad
I know this isn't really a bug or NEEDS fixing, but can you change (or at least give the option) to change loading screen color? having to get flashbanged at the start/end of every battle and moving between zones is hurting my eyes.
Yeah, I was playing the game late at night and you gotta crank up the brightness so see anything (Ok, it's nighttime in-game, fair enough), but every battle I get flashbanged
There are many mistakes in the dialogue that imply this was written by someone whose first language isn't English. But a very solid and well-made game ^-^
Where are you talking about? Maybe I haven't come across any major mistakes yet, but I haven't really come across anything that would imply it was written by someone who's native language isn't English. That seems like a stretch, especially since so far I haven't noticed any errors. Do you have any actual examples?
Actually hold on, are you referring to the digipedia descriptions? Those are the only areas where I feel the writing feels clunky, but those are directly taken from the digimon reference book. If those are what you mean it's not really the fault of the developer and they are quite literally translations from Japanese.
No not the Digipedia descriptions..Just as an update, I haven't noticed any mistakes since after the prologue. That AI lady had a few mistakes but I can't go back and give you examples without restarting the game..It's all really just water under the bridge because this game is super amazing! I wish official Digimon games were this good :3
Didn't notice any when I tried to go through the tutorial on my pc, so either you're misremembering, I missed something, or whatever you were talking about has since been fixed. And yeah the game is fantastic <3
Why does my digimon keep getting red angry bubbles when their stats are full and I'm actively doing stuff with them? If i click them they make a tired emoji but then go about their business..
I've been playing the game for about 2 hours now (though I've gotten up and paused a fair few times), but my Digimon's Age hasn't increased at all, and I know I selected the option to allow for death and Reborn to happen. Does it just take a while?
Some things i noticed: When selecting the misc. gear the 200/400%'s will cover the text of the mine for some reason, it only fixes if you back out.
Some area's are very dark in the middle of the night and hard to see, might want to increase brightness on maps when it's dark.
Also had something neat happen with Risegreymon's revolver attack, after battle he can keep shooting opponents after they're defeated to have them drop items after death, i have been able to shoot opponents up to 8 times for boosters and data drops after the win screen.
Hover details for items would be great Qol at some point, As well as an item drop list in the Digimon data screen.
Some digimon powerscaling is a bit odd? and some mega's i have achieved have been one shotted by other megas even at maximum training at level 89 i had an angewomon leader two shot my Shinegreymon even at maximum possible stats though passing level 90 suddenly he's able to one shot the angewomon leaders? I'll post more as i keep playing, i'm currently rebuilding the city [ill keep it vague for the new peeps here]
Edit: When using a mine on the Leader digimon sometimes the damage is noted on the overworld but when engaging them in battle they suddenly have full health again.
We really need Digimental digimon in this game! i was really looking forward to Veemon's armor forms and there isn't any? soon i hope :)
eh my computer seemed to do a restart on its own and when i try to continue my game i get a error message the game was fun but i am quite sure i dont want to reset my progress just yet so maybe i will come back to it when the game gets updated
i can see i am not the only one who has had a error message from other comments
The punch is phys attack, fireball is spec attack, is the jump just a dodge? Counter? I think I damaged a digimon with it before, anyone got advice for a newbie on how some of these systems work?
I believe the jump is just a jump/dodge from what I can tell. Don't worry, I don't think you ignored anything, I'm also super new and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a combat tutorial. You figured out everything else pretty much though!
Yeah by the time I got a reply I figured out the blue bar, the digipedia explanation of the attacks wasn't. Helpful? Not really? It just tells me what does what damage. Well. The icons did that.
Otherwise, I kinda hope the jump button is replaced by a proper dodge, I frames and whatnot cause uh, it's really not been super duper helpful. Feels like the AI always knows when I'm gonna do it and acts accordingly.
I minimized the game right after finishing a battle and when I brought the game back up it wouldn't let me proceed, it was stuck in the post-battle screen forever.
Edit: I think there was actually an item spawn that I missed and it was just user error, my bad
Digimon get hungry when battling in the Digital World and challenges. Always check the small "meat" icon that appears under the Digimon's healthbar and to go back to the lodging and feed them. The next update will have the icon shake when the Digimon is starving. Should make it easier to keep track of things.
← Return to game
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The game was good... at first. Then I got to the later parts of the game. A lot of the NPCs do not give any sort of hints on how to progress, the only way I was able to even figure out how to unlock some of them was by begging for assistance in the game's Discord server every time I hit a progress wall. Besides that, the required number of wins for certain NPCs/evolutions is pretty high, the only ways you can really inflate those numbers is either by doing a bunch of challenges or the Infinity Tower, which requires a lot of hard-to-recruit NPCs to even unlock. The game genuinely wants you to invest most of your time into it and I just cannot do that anymore (and before anyone says I quit too early, I have beaten every challenge, unlocked the Infinity Tower, and have unlocked all but Supplemon). As of right now, I'd give the game a 4/10 for the grind requirements alone. I do hope the game gets better, however, as I post this in hopes that it helps the game improve in some fashion.
Is Dinomon in this game?
i see video title about this got released.
instantly came here.
not gonna regret this.
edit : instantly regret investing my point on training skill.
the most important skill is knowing the digimon evolving requirement
due to the only way to progress is to evolve and there is 3 minimum requirement to evolve to champion.
also there is hard caps on stats training based on level.
been leveling my demidevimon from level 10 to 15 without doing single training session.
still lose to level 10 champion regardless of type.
It doesn't take that much effort/time to grind on enemies in the free area to level up your tamer skill. I lucked into picking right immediately for the skills, but I've already spent about 20+ skills after primarily doing free battles in the digital world. also try to keep an eye out for dracmon in the village if you haven't. That ends up being another good method of grinding for exp and bits.
i estimated i need 10 hour of grinding to get from tamer level 6 to 8 just to unlock the skill to know the evolution requirement.
it's taking 2 hour to reach 5 from 1.
it's way faster just to reset my whole progress.
honestly it's better restarting since i don't really want to invest on training skill due to how stats training works.
When I read this it was 8:27PM so I opened up my PC version of the game and saw I was currently at tamer rank 6 with maybe 100xp in that level at most. So I timed myself and ranked myself up to lvl 8. By the time I finished, it's now 8:56PM on the same night.
I genuinely don't mean this to be rude, but either your estimations are really off or it's just a skill issue. I'm not sure what else to say other than that.
Here's some advice. Make sure you've spoken to Komondomon (he will eventually spawn in village of beginnings) to unlock the ability to open new areas.
Once this is done, speak to the Leomon in Village of Beginnings (upper left corner) and fight him to unlock Dina Planes.
While at Dina Planes, look for golden acorns to spawn in the trees. Fight some digimon or catch fish while you wait. Get three in one go if you can. Once you've gathered at least one acorn, you will find Dracmon at Log-In Village.
If you give three golden acorns to Dracmon, he will unlock challenge mode. I literally leveled up from rank 6-8 in 30 minutes by grinding off the easiest challenges.
Hope this helps!
you said it's not hard to level up on free area but you suddenly switch from free area to challenge which require step by step walkthrough to unlock it.
you really should look at this from fair perspective.
i think we could easily understand each other if i said i didn't join the discord and getting extra knowledge there.
i literally learn the game by playing hence why i restarted my progress because i don't want to invest on training skill due to stats cap show up very earlier.
All I was doing was explaining a very easy method to rank up that doesn't involve 10 hours of grinding. There's more to the game than just grinding in the free area. You can also rank up in the free area without it taking 10 hours. Like maybe if you only stay in village of beginnings it would take that long but you're supposed to explore and get to stronger areas with more xp.
I also didn't get any of that info from the discord btw, it's just from playing the game and messing with the mechanics.
It's totally fine to learn to play a game by just playing it without guides. I'm not saying otherwise and I did the same thing.
I think the best way to look at the game is a snowball effect. Things are a lil slow at first but the more you progress and unlock the easier and faster things get.
I'm not telling you this to brag or demean how you're playing to be clear. I think that would be kind of silly lol I'm just trying to encourage to keep playing and not overly stress over what skill you unlock first. It's not going to majorly impact the game not unlocking that skill immediately, but what WILL make it take forever to get to is starting over due to worrying you've made a huge mistake when in the end it wasn't a big deal.
If you just genuinely prefer playing this way though, I will not tell you what to do. :)
I beat Togemon, but now they're saying the trolley isn't working right now? I can see the destination on the world map though.
There's a loading time. You have to just wait until it's like. Loaded in, I dunno the specifics but I've gotten that message and after waiting a little bit I was able to use it.
i've just started and i'm hooked, this game is so fun and i wish there where more like it, if you know some please reply to this comment letting me know
This is great!
Is there any ways to reduce a digimon elemental xp?
there is no need to reduce it anymore.
you are not forced to evolve.
edit: oh wait, unless the evolve require it to be low.
When y'all gonna add Vikemon? I want my viking walrus so badly.
Can you export your save from mobile to pc and vice versa?
Game's great, I've been playing it for days, but since I can't find it anywhere, I'm going to ask- Is there any way to look at the elemental matchups? I've figured out that it seems like every element has 3 weaknesses, but it's not like I can easily test every weakness, and it's something that should really be told to you in game the same way the Vaccine>Virus>Data attribute triangle is.
There is a chart on the discord, but I don't think there's any in game resource.
work on my a73 5g samsung
Would you consider changing the Malware status so that reapplying it doesn't reset the countdown? Even if you have to compensate by making the countdown longer or something
Loving the game so far! Been playing it non-stop for the last 3 days.
Anyway, I'm playing the Android version and for some reason using the dragon cake causes my game to crash.
The game is really good, as it was the first one, but man, the Type/Attribute advantages are busted and really think they should be checked. Being 3 or 4 levels above an enemy digimon, same stage and hitting like a wet noodle because i don't have the advantage really feels bad
I know this isn't really a bug or NEEDS fixing, but can you change (or at least give the option) to change loading screen color?
having to get flashbanged at the start/end of every battle and moving between zones is hurting my eyes.
Yeah, I was playing the game late at night and you gotta crank up the brightness so see anything (Ok, it's nighttime in-game, fair enough), but every battle I get flashbanged
Discord link doesn't work
Doing god's work
I would love to know is there any Digimon frontier spirit Digimon?
There are many mistakes in the dialogue that imply this was written by someone whose first language isn't English. But a very solid and well-made game ^-^
Where are you talking about? Maybe I haven't come across any major mistakes yet, but I haven't really come across anything that would imply it was written by someone who's native language isn't English. That seems like a stretch, especially since so far I haven't noticed any errors. Do you have any actual examples?
Actually hold on, are you referring to the digipedia descriptions? Those are the only areas where I feel the writing feels clunky, but those are directly taken from the digimon reference book. If those are what you mean it's not really the fault of the developer and they are quite literally translations from Japanese.
No not the Digipedia descriptions..Just as an update, I haven't noticed any mistakes since after the prologue. That AI lady had a few mistakes but I can't go back and give you examples without restarting the game..It's all really just water under the bridge because this game is super amazing! I wish official Digimon games were this good :3
Didn't notice any when I tried to go through the tutorial on my pc, so either you're misremembering, I missed something, or whatever you were talking about has since been fixed. And yeah the game is fantastic <3
Why does my digimon keep getting red angry bubbles when their stats are full and I'm actively doing stuff with them? If i click them they make a tired emoji but then go about their business..
I've been playing the game for about 2 hours now (though I've gotten up and paused a fair few times), but my Digimon's Age hasn't increased at all, and I know I selected the option to allow for death and Reborn to happen. Does it just take a while?
Nevermind, it just takes a while. They're Age 3 now.
Anyone know where to get accelerators? i can't seem to find any.
Same, thank you for coming by to answer though! now just to find out what these random digimon not joining the city do now.
Some things i noticed: When selecting the misc. gear the 200/400%'s will cover the text of the mine for some reason, it only fixes if you back out.
Some area's are very dark in the middle of the night and hard to see, might want to increase brightness on maps when it's dark.
Also had something neat happen with Risegreymon's revolver attack, after battle he can keep shooting opponents after they're defeated to have them drop items after death, i have been able to shoot opponents up to 8 times for boosters and data drops after the win screen.
Hover details for items would be great Qol at some point, As well as an item drop list in the Digimon data screen.
Some digimon powerscaling is a bit odd? and some mega's i have achieved have been one shotted by other megas even at maximum training at level 89 i had an angewomon leader two shot my Shinegreymon even at maximum possible stats though passing level 90 suddenly he's able to one shot the angewomon leaders?
I'll post more as i keep playing, i'm currently rebuilding the city [ill keep it vague for the new peeps here]
Edit: When using a mine on the Leader digimon sometimes the damage is noted on the overworld but when engaging them in battle they suddenly have full health again.
We really need Digimental digimon in this game! i was really looking forward to Veemon's armor forms and there isn't any? soon i hope :)
eh my computer seemed to do a restart on its own and when i try to continue my game i get a error message the game was fun but i am quite sure i dont want to reset my progress just yet so maybe i will come back to it when the game gets updated
i can see i am not the only one who has had a error message from other comments
I need your help guys! Do you know where we can find digiwater and deluxe mushrooms?
I have a problem, how can i solve it???
Hi, I am what we call a complete dumbass. So.
Let me see if I have this right about battles.
The punch is phys attack, fireball is spec attack, is the jump just a dodge? Counter? I think I damaged a digimon with it before, anyone got advice for a newbie on how some of these systems work?
I dunno if I just like. ignored it somehow in the tutorial either, like the proper battle mechanics.
Whats the blue bar as well. Halp, I am severely new
I believe the jump is just a jump/dodge from what I can tell. Don't worry, I don't think you ignored anything, I'm also super new and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a combat tutorial. You figured out everything else pretty much though!
Yeah by the time I got a reply I figured out the blue bar, the digipedia explanation of the attacks wasn't. Helpful? Not really? It just tells me what does what damage. Well. The icons did that.
Otherwise, I kinda hope the jump button is replaced by a proper dodge, I frames and whatnot cause uh, it's really not been super duper helpful. Feels like the AI always knows when I'm gonna do it and acts accordingly.
Dont know if anyone will answer but i need help finding the healing spray for the minomon quest would like to know where to find i
How do I unlock the tournaments and quests?
vendra en futura entregas la traduccion al español ?
Please make Monmon obtainable :(
I minimized the game right after finishing a battle and when I brought the game back up it wouldn't let me proceed, it was stuck in the post-battle screen forever.
Edit: I think there was actually an item spawn that I missed and it was just user error, my bad
Did you pick up all the drops?
I believe that was the issue in retrospect but I already closed out the game so I can't confirm
I have this message after i try to load my game :c(edit: i'm on android)
Having the same error too, did you manage to solve the issue?
I have the same error u.u
I would appreciate it if you could allow Alt+F4 to close the game, since there's no way to close it in fullscreen mode at the moment.
How do you unlock skins? There's only a "Back" button at Beautymon's shop.
The experience boost lasts for 10 minutes, but isn't it an error to starve to death during that time?
Digimon get hungry when battling in the Digital World and challenges. Always check the small "meat" icon that appears under the Digimon's healthbar and to go back to the lodging and feed them.
The next update will have the icon shake when the Digimon is starving. Should make it easier to keep track of things.
oh I see. thank you for your reply.
will it be possible to come out with an ipa or iOS version, I would easily pay $20+ just because of the work and dedication plus love Digimon
Flymon and WereGarurumon (Black) are bugged. Both will be fixed in the next patch.
do you have an ETA for it? no rush, just to see if it's worth pausing my playthrough for it
I don't know why but when I feed Flymon the game crashes (it only happens with that Digimon)
Me too
Flymon and WereGarurumon (Black) are bugged. Both will be fixed in the next patch.
You can run it using Proton which is what I do on my Steam Deck .