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(2 edits) (+3)(-2)

X antibody + King whaman (xros) possibly in 1.1.5 please. The game is really fun and challenging, a perfect combo, I hope the game flourishes.


This has been an excellent time waster.   I don't know Digimon as well as Pokemon, but i'm still having a blast learning and playing all the same!

Deleted 5 days ago
(1 edit) (+7)

Why did you delete your last comment only to repost it?  Are you hoping the dev sees it and goes "Wow this guy is totally railing me!  I should listen to his feedback immediately!"

Go touch grass, let the dev cook.


Just report and or block him, its better for us all xD


Gonna cry?


Sin duda tiene un potencial aprovechable, pero siguen faltando cosas muy necesarias como poder subir y bajar el volumen de la banda sonora u otra cosa, aparte un sistema para luchar con amigos o implementar un sistema de ranked online no estaria mal.


Dragonrod said there will be no online functionality at this time, because (quote) "online interactions would require a lot of knowledge, trial and error coding (since I never made it before), a dedicated server (which costs time and money to maintenance), than I'd have to keep an eye for really unbalanced things to fix, hackers, game breaking errors, etc. A lot of small things that would require a huge amount of time and money

and since I do it all by myself, and have a job and a social life, I do prefer to keep things simple 😅"


Please add a win rate reset item or method.


Sadly there's no way to install anyway if you are on Android 14 -- it just isn't compatible. Will try the Windows version

Deleted 6 days ago

For a free game with a large roster made by 1 person, that sure is a weird complaint.

(1 edit) (-9)

No, it's not. After all, Patamon's evolutionary path is one of the best and most favored ones among fans. So that one person losing time with shit Digimon that no one knows or care and say F... to Patamon and Seraphimon is what is weird. And even more weird is your comment, total nonsense.

(2 edits) (+7)(-2)

It's frustrating that Digimon fans are whiny and entitled when it comes to free fan games. Which is weird since Bandai gives us non-Japanese and non-Chinese fans literally nothing, so we should be grateful for anything at this point.

(1 edit) (-10)

Weird is your comment. He gives his attention to Digimon no one cares or know and give a f... to Patamon's Mega form that's one of the most favorite of the fanbase.


I'm sorry your favourite Digimon isn't getting the attention you think it should, but there are many Digimon people like more than the patamon line


Fuck them


thanks for the game, it's really addicting and fun!

can't wait for more future updates, hope mervamon will be added

Deleted 7 days ago

You could volunteer to translate it yourself.


Hello. First of all, great game. I just have a few questions/feedbacks:

1. Is the card drop rate supposed to be that low? I was under the impression that the raising cycle in this game is fight wild digimons>fight card digimons>fight challenge battles to get the required racial EXP while grinding bits. But getting cards is just too hard. I average on 5 cards per 10 minutes (duration of one EXP booster item). Can you crank up the drop rate and make the process more comfortable? It might make the game faster, but RNG is NOT a good time sink design in games

2. Is the Digimon data drop supposed to be that high? I get like 5 datas for every card drop. I often grind cards but instead I got my storage absolutely filled with digimons, which I will likely never raise. Why not just swap the rate of these two? Or failing that, maybe give players the ability to turn unneeded digimons into EXP instead of just deleting them?

3. Following the previous point, I am only planning to raise a couple Digimons because I wanted to utilize the ReBorn mechanic. Instead of putting my level 100 Mega on the bench to raise another one, I want generations of Digimons who get stronger with each ReBorn. I liked this mechanic from the official Digimon World games. Filling the Digimon database by continuously raising generations of Digimons that inherited the previous gen's base stats, stat caps, and unique abilities that allows players to mix and match them is a far better time sink than grinding random cards to raise digimons you will inevitably put in a shelf.

4. Speaking of good time sinks amd randomness, please please please remove the Wandering Merchant mechanics. The only reason I haven't recruited Seadramon yet is because I have raised 3 different megas and have literally never seen a single Sangomon to buy lures from. Other merchants like Monmon and Tapirmon are also a considerable pain to buy from, and they have all the useful items.  Like I said, RNG is not a good timesink. I would rather waste time killing and hatching digimons over and over than waiting for random drops and merchants.


I'd just like to chime in I really think being able to delete / exchange datas for species EXP is a great idea. I also have a very small collection of digimon I want to actually raise, because of the reborn mechanic, and that would be way more useful than ... anything else, I don't need two hundred individual digimon, lol.

Also agreeing that some of the rng is kind of whack / the time sink and age mechanic is really drawn out. I don't want it to go by super fast but I've spent literal HOURS playing and my digimon is only age 1. It also took me a couple of hours to even, for instance, get the golden acorns to even open challenges, leaving me just... stuck for a while. Extreme RNG dependency is meh.


eyo. I would like to know

How much this gonna cost once the project takes off
Like, its full release price. Maybe I'll support the Patreon page if the dev has one.

it's a fangame of an existing franchise, it literally cannot make money


But he is making money, you can "donate" it trhough the game


Why after the game was updated, now the drop rate of  xp pastille has decreased drastically? Now I have a hard time getting it after fighting wild digimon many times?


My game refuses to be in windowed mode for some reason. Worked the first time, then it's stuck in full screen mode permanently. To be exact, tapping Alt+Enter reverts it to windowed mode for an instant before it switches back.


You can switch it in the options menu


?? There's an options menu?? Where? 


Last option in the in the "Digivice" Menu


OMFG I really should've looked closer... thanks dude!

(2 edits) (+2)

How to get golden acorn ???

How to use the village train??



golden acorn is from Dina Plains it will spawn somehow if you stay long enough ( yes very long, the chance is random just your luck ) it will spawn on a tree just click when you see things on a tree (dont go back and forth to the map too much.. just stay there, yes it takes me very long too X_X)

the train on the village is just decoration X_X its his home :/


Thank you for your patient answer

Does anyone know how to complete the Seadramon quest? 

Use crayfish lure/frog lure when catching fish as bait and wait for a fish to jump on it.

(1 edit)

This game is really fun but unfortunately the Android version doesn't work on my S24 :(


Is meicoomon actually obtainable to raise/play as in game? She's right there on the start-up splash screen, but I can't seem to find her to digivolve into? 

I havent see meicoomon, but maybe someday it will be added :x


Not yet, but hopefully she will be added soon.


Aging is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow. 

Needs to be like...10x faster. Minimum.

(2 edits) (+6)(-1)

After finally getting the acorns to drop, I think my main critique is they're too random. I felt frustrated and completely stuck because I ended up with a rookie I couldn't evolve because of lack of exp... And the acorns just. Wouldn't show up. Consider maybe a higher spawn rate? At least when you haven't unlocked that mode yet, as it makes it much more possible to actually evolve what feel like dead end mons when first starting out, which could def drive people off, I think.


you can increase the chance of gold acorn to appear by raising the tamers skill ( it took me around 5 ~ 10 mins after unlocked it, the one with reduce chance of trash appearing)


How do I check how much friendship I have with a Digimon? I know there are hearts, but I do not know their value.


Thats all you need to know there :x 5 Hearts which are parted in 5 sections each.
5 Hearts = 25 sections too fill, or what is it you wanna knew exactly?


oooh okay I just need to grind then for full friendship XD Thanks

A tip, find out how often you can pat your digi (click on it), then do a fight, back to pat and so on, for me its the fastes way :x




I found some bugs!

please replace the Gizamon in the Mines with Picodevimon instead , farming dark XP is a pain.


My 50 cents: don't get too picky for your first Mega. Just get whoever, cap their lvl, then use them to absolutely powergrind for cards, bits, and pastilles. Use those to raise the second Mega you actually want

You can find dark Digimon In other maps I believe. I tried the game on Windows and I was having a good time all the way until I evplve my Agumon to MetalTyrannomon. FarmIng Dragon/Machine exp was a bit hard but once you unlock other maps it kinda gets easier. Btw keep beating Digimon even if they don't drop the exp you want. I've noticed that causes more (and sometimes rarer) Digimon to spawn.


guys, who like vorvomon. good news: vorvomon exists in the game.

bad news: only vorvomon. there are no further digi evolutions off it....

i wasted so much time to evolve 3 diffrent vorvomon in hopes it has the further evolution...

I spend 5000 bits so that the digimon bring me something on its expedition but recently it bring nothing and keep asking me for money. I think it is a bug.

I want to switch my save file to my new device is there any way?

Deleted 9 days ago

If you're that worried, just play the Android version on an emulator.

how to fix this error? 😭

I have an error, it won't let me install the APK, it just tells me that the application won't install. I hope you can help me.

Check your devices memory. I used to have the same issue when I had a bit over 1 Gb of free space. I couldn't find a solution so I decided to delete stuff until I had about 1.5Gb of free space and that seemed to solve it.

Hello I would like to ask something please. I got burninggreymon but I want to evolve him further but can't. Is there an item to do so or is that all he can evolve into?

I also think in soft locked myself from craftmon quest

Why do you think you softlocked yourself?

And no, Vritramon can't  evolve any further.

I tried to download the game but said that I had to make sure that I trust it and wanted to know how to do that?

having a similar issue, would like to know what to do

Just allowed it, there has to be a button to "show more" click it and then have fun! (nothing will happen dont worry)


10/10 the game is pretty good. If i had money wourld give 20$ dollars for it or maybe more.

and i liked the 1th game too


Hello! Could an option be added to automatically collect items dropped by Digimon in battle? Clicking each one, particularly after fighting a Digimon summoned with a card, is pointless tedium.

How do I get medals? I really need this help right now.

you have to do challenges, which unlock by giving a digimon in the village 3 golden acorns


I found some minor bugs after ver. 1.0.2

1st i can't seem to encounter shortcakemon anymore & 2nd numemon giant statue decoration can't be move or remove once you place them 

Shortmon moves around like all other merchants

Yah but the new 1.0.2 update cycle the roaming merchants, i have seen all of them again & again but i have not seen shortcakemon since the update

I think that's just bad RNG cuz I still see it 

Yah found him too, the cycle only takes affect if you don't leave the area


This game gave me the largest nostalgia trip of all time, it mixed mechanics from the old Playstation and DS games and added some refreshing new takes, the Balancing is really bad when it comes to Digimon attributes matchups which will negate all kinds of stat advantage or level gap that your digimon has with some wild digimon, the Stat system feels like a mix of pokemon and of the digimon DS stat system since it has hidden stats like IV( NP in this case), and a physical and special split for attack and defense related stats while having an obscure unexplained stat like Spirit, The battle system/gameplay of having your Digimon platform around the arena on it's own while listening to your commands of using a physical attack or special attack, dodging and blocking without delay feels really nice compared to the non-turnbased Digimon world games's older combat system.

Aside from the usual bugs, missing features( like volume sliders since the volume for the game is way too loud and you can only toggle the audio on or off)  and the Badly balanced Attribute modifiers( the elemental matchup modifier is fine, the Data, Virus, and Vaccine is way too dramatic even compared to the official digimon games that bothered to implement something similar related to that.) I find the gameplay loop really addicting and I like the feeling of having to figure out things blindly similar on how you did it with the older digimon world games.


I'm going to be honest and say I cannot recommend this game. It has a really strong base that needs to be built around, but the bad heavily outweighs the good.

The good:
You get to raise your favorite guys. It's one of the main draws of the franchise, you pick a mon and that's your blorbo. Your funny little guy, your rotten soldier so to speak. It's super gratifying to have your Digimon evolve after raising it. 

The bad:

  • Certain grinds in the game are beyond ridiculous and do not respect the player's time. Having to catch one thousand fish to recruit one of the NPCs is ridiculous when the fishing "minigame" is tapping the screen and hoping the hitbox on the fish stops being wonky enough to actually let you catch them. The grind for getting crafting materials for rebuilding shops in Server City is too RNG. The reason why it wasn't so bad in Digimon World Next Order is because you were able to manually go out and gather the materials instead of just waiting for an NPC to gather them for you in random quantities (and sometimes they won't even grab any of the items you need!). Also, the defeat requirements for some of the evolutions are too high. I've been playing the game in my free time since it dropped and I'm barely at over 2000 defeats. Getting eight thousand for Dinomon is too much. Heck, getting to over ten thousand defeats for some of the Ultra level Digimon is ridiculous. There's also a Gomamon NPC that will not be recruited unless you find a 1% spawning fish. The NPC itself doesn't even do anything that's actually useful so why even bother locking it behind an RNG item drop?
  • There's no actual direct or guidance on how to progress. Having to flip from screen to screen hoping you've gone to the right map at the right time after completing the correct requirements isn't fun or engaging, it isn't exploring either. Again bringing up Digimon World Next Order, there is a Koromon NPC that gives you hints on where to go next to recruit an available NPC to the city. Any form of direction or hints would be helpful. I'm not saying you need to get your hand held and guided to every single objective and NPC but having hints or minor guidance would be very helpful and reduce the frustration that comes from not knowing what to do next.
  • The attribute system is extremely overtuned, you could be 20 levels above the opponent but if you're at an attribute disadvantage? Near instant loss. It's honestly to the point that it's better to raise a Digimon of the Unknown attribute than to raise multiple different Digimon with different attributes due to how long it takes to raise a second mon unless you've already unlocked every single map, which that in itself is such a monumental challenge. (I'm looking at you Aquilamon!)
  • The NP System (essentially Pokemon IVs) should not have been implemented. One of the mechanics that a vast majority of monster tamer genre fans hate is random and hidden stats. I am aware that there is an NPC at the very end of the endgame that lets you raise your NP but getting there is so long and tedious it feels almost pointless. It is frustrating having to tame or hatch multiples of the same Digimon in hopes of getting decent NP. At its core Digimon is a franchise that does not encourage essentially throwing the mon away because it was born with sub optimal stats. You raise your mon from beginning to end without any of those kinds of hang ups.
  • One of my biggest pet peeves is that item drops aren't automatically picked up. You have to click the item in order to actually finish the fight. There's even a dialogue blurb that says "Pick up all items to continue!" I don't know why this is even a thing, games don't have this sort of mechanic anymore for a reason. It's extremely tedious and just another layer of time wasting. I wouldn't be as bothered by it if there were an upgrade later on you could build towards that lets you automatically pick up items. It is even more bothersome when you are farming monster cards and the mon explodes into items that bounce all over the screen and you cannot continue until you've picked up all the items, and since the game has very strange hitboxes when it comes to clicking on objects you'll be sitting there sometimes for a full minute until the item is done moving around and then you're able to click it and pick it up. That is my feeling on a lot of things that should be included at base, QoL options and mechanics that should be available at the get go but I'm willing to compromise with those QoL mechanics being available as upgrades and rewards. Heck, sometimes I even enjoy it more when I've been dealing with something tedious but I've earned a reward to overcome the tedium.

I have so many more points to go over but these were the biggest ones that stood out to me. I do genuinely think this game has incredible potential. But right now as it stands? I can't recommend it. It feels like this game wasn't play tested much if at all before release. And if there was playtesting done, it feels like no feedback was given whatsoever and everything was met with a "Looks good boss! No changes needed!" 

Tl;dr: If you like mindless grinds with RNG bottlenecks go ahead, the game is a good time sink in that aspect. But if you're someone with not much time to dedicate to games like this, I'd skip it.


Agreed in all aspects. The gameplay balancing feels like the worst of Pokemon Rom hacks. 


I agree with this review, and then some. I was already feeling pretty grind-fatigued like, 3 hours in, with how many battles it takes just to get to certain evolution requirements, and with how easy it is to lose if you get unlucky with attributes. But seeing these numbers here about exactly how much some of these things take? I think I'm done. I can't in good conscience continue. I love Digimon, but this grind is EXCESSIVE. Not respecting players' time sums this up pretty well, unfortunately.


100% game is a complete grind fest for no reason. 

Aging is also so damn slow it may as well not be a mechanic. People are getting megas at age 3/50. It's ridiculous.


Only facts. I consider myself as a person with time to spend and I still didn't find this game that much fun. The only endorphin rush I get is while evolving and that's pretty much it. 

The battle boils down to spamming the ranged button before the other guy can get close. The drop rate, item spawn rate, and Wandering Merchant is the WORST kind of RNG. And the ReBorn mechanic is useless because Digimons reach Mega on 3/50 well before they can die and then you're encouraged to drop them to raise another new Digimon instead of squeezing every training before they drop dead. Why even include a ReBorn tamer skill at all if you want people to raise Digimons until only 3/50?

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