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Anyone know where to get accelerators? i can't seem to find any. 

I came here for the exact same reason 😭 (useless comment sorry)


I figured it out, you get them from level 4 cards

Same, thank you for coming by to answer though! now just to find out what these random digimon not joining the city do now.

(3 edits) (+1)

Some things i noticed: When selecting the misc. gear the 200/400%'s will cover the text of the mine for some reason, it only fixes if you back out. 

Some area's are very dark in the middle of the night and hard to see, might want to increase brightness on maps when it's dark.

Also had something neat happen with Risegreymon's revolver attack, after battle he can keep shooting opponents after they're defeated to have them drop items after death, i have been able to shoot opponents up to 8 times for boosters and data drops after the win screen. 

Hover details for items would be great Qol at some point, As well as an item drop list in the Digimon data screen. 

Some digimon powerscaling is a bit odd? and some mega's i have achieved have been one shotted by other megas even at maximum training at level 89 i had an angewomon leader two shot my Shinegreymon even at maximum possible stats though passing level 90 suddenly he's able to one shot the angewomon leaders? 
I'll post more as i keep playing, i'm currently rebuilding the city [ill keep it vague for the new peeps here] 

Edit: When using a mine on the Leader digimon sometimes the damage is noted on the overworld but when engaging them in battle they suddenly have full health again. 

We really need Digimental digimon in this game! i was really looking forward to Veemon's armor forms and there isn't any? soon i hope :)

eh my computer seemed to do a restart on its own and when i try to continue my game i get a error message the game was fun but i am quite sure i dont want to reset my progress just yet so maybe i will come back to it when the game gets updated 

i can see i am not the only one who has had a error message from other comments


I need your help guys! Do you know where we can find digiwater and deluxe mushrooms?

I have a problem, how can i solve it???


Hi, I am what we call a complete dumbass. So.

Let me see if I have this right about battles.

The punch is phys attack, fireball is spec attack, is the jump just a dodge? Counter? I think I damaged a digimon with it before, anyone got advice for a newbie on how some of these systems work?


I dunno if I just like. ignored it somehow in the tutorial either, like the proper battle mechanics.

Whats the blue bar as well. Halp, I am severely new

(1 edit)

you can see what your digimon attack do in Digipedia at Database menu. Blue bar is for Special move 

I believe the jump is just a jump/dodge from what I can tell. Don't worry, I don't think you ignored anything, I'm also super new and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a combat tutorial. You figured out everything else pretty much though!

Yeah by the time I got a reply I figured out the blue bar, the digipedia explanation of the attacks wasn't. Helpful? Not really? It just tells me what does what damage. Well. The icons did that.

Otherwise, I kinda hope the jump button is replaced by a proper dodge, I frames and whatnot cause uh, it's really not been super duper helpful. Feels like the AI always knows when I'm gonna do it and acts accordingly.

Dont know if anyone will answer but i need help finding the healing spray for the minomon quest would like to know where to find i

How do I unlock the tournaments and quests?

vendra en futura entregas la traduccion al español  ?

Please make Monmon obtainable :(

(1 edit)

I minimized the game right after finishing a battle and when I brought the game back up it wouldn't let me proceed, it was stuck in the post-battle screen forever.

Edit: I think there was actually an item spawn that I missed and it was just user error, my bad

Did you pick up all the drops?

I believe that was the issue in retrospect but I already closed out the game so I can't confirm

(1 edit)

I have this message after i try to load my game :c(edit: i'm on android)

Having the same error too, did you manage to solve the issue?

I have the same error u.u

I would appreciate it if you could allow Alt+F4 to close the game, since there's no way to close it in fullscreen mode at the moment.

How do you unlock skins? There's only a "Back" button at Beautymon's shop.

After using the experience boost and hunting for 10 minutes, I came back and found it dead.

The experience boost lasts for 10 minutes, but isn't it an error to starve to death during that time?


Digimon get hungry when battling in the Digital World and challenges. Always check the small "meat" icon that appears under the Digimon's healthbar and to go back to the lodging and feed them.
The next update will have the icon shake when the Digimon is starving. Should make it easier to keep track of things.

oh I see.  thank you for your reply.

will it be possible to come out with an ipa or iOS version, I would easily pay $20+ just because of the work and dedication plus love Digimon 

Flymon and WereGarurumon (Black) are bugged. Both will be fixed in the next patch. 

do you have an ETA for it? no rush, just to see if it's worth pausing my playthrough for it

I don't know why but when I feed Flymon the game crashes (it only happens with that Digimon)

Me too

Flymon and WereGarurumon (Black) are bugged. Both will be fixed in the next patch. 




You can run it using Proton which is what I do on my Steam Deck .

Encountered a glitch while playing, not sure what caused it, but this is what happened:

  • Used a chicken bomb 3 times on a Gatomon
  • Fight started, got the ultimate bar full and used it while Terriermon was facing Gatomon but was dizzy
  • Terriermon's attack never happened, instead Gatomon froze while Terriermon kept auto attacking gatomon, he had the sparkles of the ultimate move the entire time and the camera stayed zoomed in.
  • This lasted for the rest of the match until Terriermon won.

There's this weird bug where opponents try to trigger their special attack even when stunned and softlocks the game. Will be fixed in the next patch.


Are shiny Digimon, like the blue Wormmon, tamable/usable, or are they only for battling against?

Yes. I belive so i just tamed 2  Minotaurmon currently try to tame a renamon "shiny" 

Those "shinies" are probably leader digimons and yes, you can use them.

If you can't install the game, deactivate play protect from play store, that worked for me, then you can activate play protect again :)

I created this account just to thank you.
God bless your soul.

Pressing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or 0 during a battle changes the scene, don't think that's intended.

That was an issue in the earlier PC builds. I quickly replaced it with a proper version, but those who downloaded the game a few minutes after the release should still have this.




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_Digi_Battle_MASTER:

Variable obj_Digi_Battle.d135_atk03(100562, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_Digi_Battle_MASTER_Step_0


(1 edit)

I can't fight this battle at all. It was fine on the first attempt (that I lost) but then it just crashes. This was using BlackWeregarurumon. I managed to beat the fight with a different digimon.

Flymon and WereGarurumon (Black) are bugged. Both will be fixed in the next patch. 

What is this running on? Rpgmaker?? It looks so good and the battle style seems like the kind of stuff I've been hoping to see on a pokemon game since forever. I have to try this.

gamemaker studio 1 or 2 i think

The game crashed during the tutorial when I used a USB switch. The effect of which disconnects my mouse and keyboard. I've never run into such a crash before. Curious how it could have happened but I figured I'd report it.

Im really excited to play the game but after every single battle the game does not let me progress, i saw that more people have the same issue. It makes the game unplayable for now sadly


In the result screen, if there are any items on the screen and you not click the item it will not let you progress. Just try click the items and everything should be all right.

Also I really love the original Iron Claw's design from the last game when you add that Item to the game please make sure it looks like how it was in the original digital tamers reborn please

And can you please change the virus metalgreymon's wings to look like the vaccine Metalgreymon's wings please in the future please

Will you please add the original iron claw item to digital tamers 2 in the future it's my favorite item and it's the reason I love digital tamers in the first place. So please add that Item to digital tamers 2 in the future please.

I Um... Think this might be a bug?
No other requirement is listed...

why your digi evo line show the requirement to evo but mine only ??? for all requirement?

Its a tamer skill that costs 10 points, but it requires the 3 point friendship booster, so it might as well be 13 points

The Pokomon > Renamon line has a bug that don't allow the evolution. Should be fixed in the next patch. 😅


Great little game so far! As a PC player, you can def tell it's mobile oriented, and that's fine, but it would be great to get some concessions for PC as well.

 Sliders for volume instead of just on/off.

Pixel perfect / scaling option instead of just fitting to window,  leaving bars on the sides to account for aspect ratio?

UI size / scaling option; for a primarily mouse driven game, the buttons are super far apart, and everything kind of hurts after a while on even a 1080p screen.

Customizable / more hotkeys, for less click necessity?

Even with complaints though, I'm loving this game. I didn't play the first one, but I look forward to playing this one more.

EN: When running the .exe I am getting this error, but I can guarantee that I have plenty of disk space available.

PT-BR: Quando tento executar seu .exe estou recebendo esse erro, mas posso guarantir que tenho espaço disponivel no hd.

Bahasa Indonesia: hi dev, aku sungguh menyukai karya mu ini dan saya sungguh menantikannya lama sebelum akhirnya rilis tapi sungguh seperti nya masih butuh update lebih lanjut seperti versi sebelumnya, disini saya terkena masalah dalam progress jalan system game nya yang dimana setelah memenangkan pertandingan, progress nya berhenti bekerja dan diam terus seperti di layar screenshoot ini, tapi meski begitu tetap semangat dev, aku selalu jadi pendukungmu 👍🏻

Di akhir pertempuran, periksa apakah tidak ada item yang perlu dikumpulkan. Jika tidak, permainan tidak akan memungkinkan kemajuan. (pada gambar di atas, ada daging di lantai)

Hey, Is there any way to change the font size and font style. It's really hard for me to follow.

I'm glad something like this is out as I've been trying to get into Digimon for a while, but I will admit it is intensely disappointing that most modern phones are going to be completely unable to play this as 32 bit libraries are being phased out, any newer samsung, pixel, and other android phones won't be able to use the apk at all unless rooted.

Work well on Steam Deck with Proton Experimental :), thank you

Just wanted to congratulate the official release of DT2, been following for years at this point and your a massive inspiration for me for digimon fangames.


I'm stuck at Picodevimon combat. I don't have more food to level up and there is no place to buy food. Can't bring palmon to home, even can't buy food. Stucked and bricked at this part. Please, insert an option to buy food in the first shop in the city and make digimon eat less. Thanks. Waiting for an update.


having the same issue grind out on the baby’s Tsunomon and koromon seem to drop meat kinda often, and berries do spawn just at a terrible rate

(2 edits)

Same here. Almost depleted my food. REBORN got itself a shop allowing us to buy foods for our digimon. 

Updated :

I've found that the meat/food store can be initiated after you have completed the Palmon's sibling task in Log-in village. The Digimon you should be defeating is Snimon in Dina Plains in order to proceed with the wood gathering task.

Works on an ancient redmi A8, there are some issues with the tapping, and font/visuals are too small so is hard to select, drag and drop and sometimes read, but otherwise playable.  

It feels a bit too grindy for me, but is fun.

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