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(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for such a great fanproject!
I don't mind the grind that much, but it could be toned down a little.

Also: I was able to install this on my HONOR X8a Tablet which runs Android 14 just to check if it would work, and yes it did. Needs more playtesting though.


Is there any item in the game to increase the winning percentage? If so, where can I find him? He lost some battles at the beginning and it became overwhelming to have to reach 99%

if there are, i haven't found any sadly. you might be able to just do challenge mode vs multiple enemies to make the grind go quicker(though i don't know if that counts as a single win or multiple wins)


Game's good, but there's a few weird design choices.

For instance, why do we have to click on a dropped item instead of automatically picking it up? It's needless busy work that you can't even skip because the game doesn't let you.
Exp gathering is also pretty wonky. A Champion Digimon will give the same exp as a Rookie of the same level, which hardly makes sense since one is clearly tougher and should be rewarded accordingly.
Also, the Digimon data being random drops is irksome because it fills the storage with Digimon I don't want. Easy solution would be to choose which data gets turned into Digimon like it is in most games, or at least any way to cash that data as exp for other Digimon you actually want.


Yes, I think it would make sense clicking in the dropped items if you could chose to let some of them behind, but the game doesn't allow you to end the battle without picking all of them. Ah, but you can eliminate digimon from your storage. Yes, you can, but it feels like a cruel thing to do, it would be better if you could choose to not getting them.

I love this gane ❤️

And no pvp?

(1 edit) (-3)

How the hell I can make my digimon stats grow? I know it's by training and leveling, but there's a point that no matter how much levels the Digimon have I can't train him anymore and it keeps showing the message: "level up your digimon and try again" or something like that. There are Digimon that I would like to stay in rookie (like Lucemon), champion and perfect form (HolyAngemon, because Seraphimon's spirtes sucks) and this mechanic is making things hard to those digimon. Is there any item you can feed the digimon to increase stats?

battle items are key, you get a lot of them by summoning them with the chips in the lure slot


They don't make your digimon much more powerful


If you’ve reached the level & training cap then you can’t do much else with that digimon other than give it better equipment or apply status effects to attacks. 

If you’re really invested you could try the ReBorn mechanic but I haven’t tried it myself so I can’t really give any pointers. 

Otherwise just keep it as a favourite in the box and build another digimon. 

Aff, that's sad


Please allow me to play the game with 64 bits.


I can't do it even if I want to pay for it. Please allow me to install it on Android 14.

(1 edit) (+2)

It's  not a matter of allowing, the game isn't compatible.


Does anyone know what the box with the dot evolution requirement is? (Seen on Lucemon, and Cyberdramon)

it's an item that drops from card digimon. i think it's more common from the higher level cards


I love this game,but I think to optimize the guidance in the game is important,develop the city and village is so difficult and not to know what to do.Though the same system also in digimon world I konw,but I don't think this is an interesting system at all.

Furthermore,if vorvomon can get it whole chain of evolution and pulsemon,gammamon can be in the game in future will make this game more enjoyable.

Thx for all the hard work you put in this game.


Excuse me 




 Can join the village???



Yes all 3 can be recruited.

For Betamon I believe you have to catch a certain amount of fish

For the other two you'll first have to do the giant Koromon/Black Agumon quest line and then the requirements are below.

Nanimon: 5K wins and all challenges completed

Meramon: Clear Fire Mastery : Endurance I and II challenge


Thanks for the answer


This game is much better than the first one. It's very admirable that you took almost every part of that and improved on it. Unfortunately, it still isn't good. It has a lot of shit keeping me from recommending it. The grind is the biggest hurdle because it isn't a fun grind. It feels arbitrary and not well-scaled. 

Fuck you for making the grind for materials needed to build shops in server city such a pain. You really should've had a couple of recruitable digimon that upgraded the lumber mill and quarry or have some more early game uses for the wood and rocks so I had more of an incentive to stock up on them before I needed 50 Digihardwood. 

And why did you bring species exp back? I don't think anyone likes it as it just adds another value you need to grind for. You didn't even properly distribute all the sources. Aquatic and dragon exp are plentiful at almost all levels but beast digimon are only common at low levels. You forgot to give a reliable option for grinding mid or late-level beast and bird EXP. You might want to change what spawns in a zone or two if not make up a new one to fill that void.

Also, the combat sound effects are still kinda poor. You're already "stealing" designs and assets from other games like the pokemon orbs and the challenge mode stadium being a freedom planet background. Why not steal the sound effects from Megaman Star Force or Fossil Fighters? Those games had great sound design. 

Whether you think my criticism is worth listening to or not I want you to know this game of yours has potential it just needs refinement.


I agree each species needs it's own high level area like Aquatic & Dragons do, best way I've found to get other species exp is to refresh the challenges until you get a challenge that has the species exp you need at the right level, it's still tedious but if your monster can complete it itself you can basically afk it while watching youtube.

Yeah, that's the only good way to get species exp at later levels for most species since the payout-to-effort ratio challenge mode fights seem like an oversight only balanced by the fact what bouts are available is random. But I don't think I need to say how in order to grind for something you need to either get lucky or grind for tokens to gatcha it is.


Wish I could toss all those random digimon I’ve collected into a meat grinder and get exp that way. 


I made an itch account to say this game is awesome. Haven't played or watched any Digimon and downloaded this on a whim. I was a bit bored at the very beginning due to how slow energy recovers without any skills, but quickly found myself eagerly training all sorts of different baby mons to see what they could turn into. 

The battling is surprisingly engaging, and your mon's AI is capable enough to make winning exchanges without your input (depending on matchup).

I'm still unlocking some features as of commenting, but I've opened up several new areas and have been enjoying the progression! My strongest mon right now is an XV-mon from a ClearAgumon (my personal favorite so far). Looking forward to playing more and meeting all these Digimon for the first time! 

Thanks for making this awesome game!


I love this game. What I'm talking about isn't important but please help increase the drop rate for the deluxe mushroon. I spent at least 5 full hours looking for these damn mushrooms in sewer road and all I got was... goddamn Acrid fruit and poop, did I do something wrong or just bad luck?

(1 edit) (+2)

Another 2 hours passed and I was so bored with Gokimon. Now in my digi storage I have 5 Gokimon, 2 Sukamon, 2 Numemon, 1 Geremon, 1 Bakemon and Deluxe Mushroom 0. I think I'm going to insane.

like vaas say : "Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... " it is me now


deluxe mushrooms spawn in the swamp, not the sewers

oh i think i miss read thx

sorry english is not my Main language


Hey bro, trying out the game I spotted this lil mistake here, it is when they are "hungry", not important but I suppose it takes less than two minutes to fix

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